How FireWalking Changed My Life

How FireWalking Changed My Life

By: Grant Harris

Have you ever had an experience change how you think or felt? 

Firewalking did just that when I took the first step across glowing red coals. The feeling of fear

taking over the mind putting thoughts like, “what if I get burned”. Then

overcoming those thoughts and feelings to find confidence in myself that 

“Yes I can do This”. That first step changed everything of how to view a challenge in

front of myself and to have the courage in facing my fears.

Over the last 12 years Firewalking has become a main part of my life’s journey.

From taking that first step in 2013 to becoming a certified instructor in 2019 and now a Master Firewalker instructor for 2025. Teaching over 500 first

time firewalkers and new certified instructors how to spread the lessons of firewalking around the world. Time and time again the most common reaction

when talking with someone who has never walked barefoot on red hot coals is, “I

would never do that, it is going to burn my feet”. Which shows how many of us

can come to a conclusion without consideration or wanting to learn more before

assuming an outcome.

Firewalking changed my life for the better, showing the limitations of how

thinking differently can change an outcome or how we approach a situation. 

Life is a journey of many different experiences that build us into who we are today.

Events happen throughout our lifetime that turn into unforgettable memories, some

that benefit or hinder us. We remember our first kiss or a vehicle wreak which

brings feelings of emotions just thinking about it. Taking that first step on a

firewalk will give you that empowerment to know, “Yes I Can Do This”.

Master Firewalk Instructor

Grant Harris

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